Student Support for StatSei 6
Date: 02/25/2009
Dear SCEC Board and PC Members,
SCEC has received additional funds from NSF to support students (or early-career scientists, and underrepresented groups) to attend the Statistical Seismology Meeting (StatSei 6). We need your help to identify individuals who may benefit from such an opportunity.
StatSei 6 will be held at the Granlibakken Conference Center near Lake Tahoe on April 12-16, 2009. The scientific program will focus on current topics in statistical seismology and California-specific research areas. The workshop will cover three full days of lectures, discussions, and poster presentations (April 13-15th), and followed by a field trip on April 16th. FOR MORE INFORMATION, go to
Please encourage students you know to register (and complete the travel support request) immediately. Registration closes on March 6th!
If you would forward me their names, I can extend a personal invitation to them.
Thanks very much!
Tran T. Huynh
Southern California Earthquake Center
University of Southern California, ZHS 169
3651 Trousdale Parkway
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0742
213.821.2347 | 213.740.0011 fax