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Student Support for StatSei 6

Date: 02/25/2009

Dear SCEC Board and PC Members,

SCEC has received additional funds from NSF to support students (or early-career scientists, and underrepresented groups) to attend the Statistical Seismology Meeting (StatSei 6). We need your help to identify individuals who may benefit from such an opportunity.

StatSei 6 will be held at the Granlibakken Conference Center near Lake Tahoe on April 12-16, 2009. The scientific program will focus on current topics in statistical seismology and California-specific research areas. The workshop will cover three full days of lectures, discussions, and poster presentations (April 13-15th), and followed by a field trip on April 16th. FOR MORE INFORMATION, go to http://www.scec.org/statsei6/index.html

Please encourage students you know to register (and complete the travel support request) immediately. Registration closes on March 6th!

If you would forward me their names, I can extend a personal invitation to them.

Thanks very much!


Tran T. Huynh
Southern California Earthquake Center
University of Southern California, ZHS 169
3651 Trousdale Parkway
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0742
213.821.2347 | 213.740.0011 fax
