CGU/AGU - NG04: The Physics of the Earthquake Process
Date: 02/23/2009
2009 CGU/AGU Joint Assembly, 24-27 May 2009 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Session NG04: The Physics of the Earthquake Process
Sponsor: Nonlinear Geophysics
CoSponsor: Canadian Geophysical Union, Seismology, Tectonophysics
In recent years, advances in theoretical analysis, laboratory experiments, field observations, and computer simulations have led to significant progress toward the long term goal of understanding the nature of seismic sources and the construction of a quantitative physical model for the entire earthquake process. At the same time, an understanding of the rupture process and associated phenomena remains remarkably intractable. Here we solicit submissions that contribute to our understanding of the physics of the earthquake process. Of particular interest are studies of the emerging systematic methods which increase our knowledge of the physical processes responsible for the distribution of earthquakes in space and time, and new models, technologies, and tools which quantify both the seismotectonic process and its evolution. Particular emphasis will be placed on (1) earthquake nucleation and dynamic rupture processes; (2) comprehensive physical modeling; (3) methods and applications from statistical mechanics; (4) space-time patterns of seismicity and related geophysical fields; and (5) damage mechanics and related fields.
The session is sponsored by the AGU Nonlinear Geophysics sections and further information can be found at
The online Abstract Submission Form (
is available. Abstracts must be submitted to AGU by March 4, 2009, 2359 UT.
Kristy F. Tiampo
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
London, ON, N6A 5B7, Canada
Robert Shcherbakov
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
London, ON, N6A 5B7, Canada
John B. Rundle
Department of Physics
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA, 95616, U.S.A.