Collaborations in Mathematical Geosciences (new NSF solicitation)
Date: 02/17/2009
Dear Colleagues:
NSF has updated the 'Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences' (CMG) solicitation, and will be accepting new proposals in 2009 and 2010. The solicitation number is NSF 09-520, and it can be accessed at:
Full Proposal Window : February 24, 2009 - March 10, 2009
Full Proposal Window : January 8, 2010 - January 22, 2010
Program Synopsis:
The purpose of the Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences (CMG) activity is to enable collaborative research at the intersection of mathematical sciences and geosciences, and to encourage cross-disciplinary education. Projects should fall within one of three broad themes: (1) mathematical and statistical modeling of complex geosystems, (2) understanding and quantifying uncertainty in geosystems, or (3) analyzing large/complex geoscience data sets. Research projects supported under this activity must be essentially collaborative in nature. Research groups must include at least one mathematical/statistical scientist and at least one geoscientist. Proposals that address problems with relevance to global change and sustainability are especially encouraged.
FYI: Topics ARE NOT restricted to global change or sustainability.
Feel free to contact me if you need further information.
Robin Reichlin
Program Director, Geophysics
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22230