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StatSei 6 Registration Deadline: March 6, 2009

Date: 02/13/2009

We encourage you to register early and submit a poster abstract. Registration closes on March 6, 2009.

Don't forget to sign up for the field trip! See http://www.scec.org/statsei6/fieldtrip.html for more details.


The 6th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology (StatSei 6) will be hosted by the Southern California Earthquake Center at the Granlibakken Conference Center in California on April 12-16, 2009. The scientific program will focus on current topics in statistical seismology and California-specific research areas, including:

* Earthquake physics and statistics
* Statistical properties of earthquake occurrence through examination of the two fundamental laws of observational seismicity (Gutenberg-Richter and Omor-Utsu)
* Time-dependent earthquake forecasting and hazard
* Basic concepts in statistical seismology, e.g., recurrence, characteristic earthquakes, declustering, etc.
* Prospective and retrospective testing of earthquake forecasts
* Global collaboration in earthquake predictability research
* Testing weather and climate forecasts

Statsei 6 will cover three full days of lectures, discussions, and poster presentations (April 13-15th), and followed by a field trip on April 16th. The workshop lectures are by invitation only but all participants are encouraged to present posters.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, AND TO REGISTER: Go to http://www.scec.org/statsei6/index.html