Free BSSA Special Collection of Hayward Fault Articles
Date: 11/09/2008
In commemoration of the 140th anniversary of the 1868 Hayward fault earthquake, SSA has produced a virtual special issue of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) focusing on the earthquake, the Hayward Fault and related research. This free online-only special issue collects 25 articles previously published in BSSA since 1911.
Members, of course, always have access to all BSSA issues since 1911 through the members-only section of the SSA website. Non-members may access the free online special collection through the GeoScience World special issues page: (
The collection was released as part of SSA's participation in The 1868 Hayward Earthquake Alliance ( The Alliance was formed to raise awareness of the need to prepare San Francisco Bay Area communities for a future earthquake on the Hayward Fault by commemorating the 1868 earthquake and drawing attention to the hazard and risk posed by the fault. SSA's El Cerrito, California headquarters is located near the Hayward Fault.