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SCEC transient detection "blind test"

Date: 10/02/2008

Developing a geodetic network processing system that will detect anomalous strain transients is one of the SCEC3 science priorities. A SCEC workshop in August 2008 reviewed current efforts targeting this need and identified promising directions for continued work with the goal of fostering progress on this topic. Workshop participants agreed that an exercise focused on assessing how well a variety of algorithms recover transient signals in synthetic (and eventually real) test datasets would be valuable. To this end, we plan an initial two-phase "blind test" for 2009 as was discussed in detail during the Tectonic Geodesy science plan session at the recent Annual Meeting. We encourage broad participation and hope to attract a range of approaches to the problem of detecting strain transients in geodetic data. If you are interested in participating in the testing exercise and did not give us your name at the TG session, please respond to scecinfo@usc.edu. We will add your name to the list for all future communications regarding this project. Please forward this announcement to other colleagues you think may be interested.