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Announcement for AGU Geohazards Session

Date: 09/08/2008

Forwarded AGU session announcement from Julia Morgan, Rice:

Dear colleagues -

We would like to draw your attention to the following, highly relevant, special session planned for the upcoming Fall AGU Meeting, to be held in San Francisco, December 15-19, 2008. Abstract submission deadline in September 10, 2008, at 2359 UTM. For more information, please visit: http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08/

U25: Integrated Geohazards along Continental Margins and Plate Boundary Zones

An ancillary but significant product of investigations along continental margins and plate boundary zones (e.g., through the NSF MARGINS Program, ODP/IODP, and related programs) has been a broader, highly integrated understanding of the scientific causes and resulting impacts of geohazards. Examples include, but are not limited to, (1) rheologic and structural controls on plate boundary seismogenesis and tsunamigenesis; (2) stratigraphic, chemical, and geomechanical factors that promote weakening and failure; (3) climatic, tectonic, and anthropogenic influences on rates of sediment erosion, transport and deposition, and impacts on our coastlines, and (4) explosive volcanism, and the role of magma composition and volatile flux in eruptive behavior. Although geologic settings may differ, they share many common processes and conditions that contribute to hazardous phenomena; therefore a broad, cross-disciplinary discussion could benefit many scientific communities. To foster these discussions, we solicit contributions that address the wide range of margin-related geologic hazards, their causes, and their consequences. Field, laboratory, and numerical studies are welcome.

Julia Morgan (Rice University)
Brandon Dugan (Rice University)
Eli Silver (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Cindy Ebinger (University of Rochester)
Susan Bilek (New Mexico Institute of Technology)