EarthScope Program Director -- Message from Kaye Shedlock
Date: 07/22/2008
NSF and I would like to call your attention to GEO/EAR Vacancy number E20080122, a Full-Time, Permanent position as EarthScope Program Director. EarthScope is successfully completing the construction phase of the state-of-the-art facilities that will support solid Earth sciences decades into the future. The science program is growing rapidly and the facilities operation and maintenance plans are in place. The new permanent EarthScope Director will have one of the most exciting jobs in solid Earth science - supporting cutting edge advances in science, innovative education, and unprecedented outreach efforts as they come to fruition. Plus (s)he will be working with other exceptionally talented and dedicated Program Officers. It is a great opportunity, an exciting position, and just plain fun a great deal of the time.
The position is open until August 22, 2008. The direct link to the job announcement is:
This position is to replace me (I am retiring). If you have any questions that I may help answer, please contact me. I have been very fortunate to be part of EarthScope. It has been one of the most rewarding challenges in our community. EarthScope has already enabled real advances in the way we do science and there are many, many more surprises and great results to come. A tenet of Earth sciences is that the past is the key to the future. Taking EarthScope into the future and keeping it healthy, growing, and evolving with our community will be challenging, rewarding, and sometimes just plain fun. Be part of it!
Kaye Shedlock
EarthScope Program Director
(703) 292-4693