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Reminder: Add/update your SCEC publications online

Date: 05/01/2008

Attention all SCEC Authors:

As you may already know, any peer-reviewed publication based on SCEC support must list a "SCEC Contribution Number" and NSF/USGS grant numbers in the acknowledgments section. Before submitting such papers to journals, please follow the instructions below. Please also do this retroactively for any SCEC papers you may have published without receiving a SCEC contribution number. This will ensure that your papers are listed in the SCEC Publication Database, and listed on your profile at http://www.scec.org/aboutscec/people/.

Also, please be sure to update any previously submitted items with final publication information.

To add and update your publications, sign in at http://www.scec.org/signin/ and follow the link under the heading "SCEC Publications Database". You will see a list of your SCEC publications, and have the option of submitting new publications, updating any previously submitted publications that have since been published, or searching the entire database for other SCEC publications of interest.

Completing the online form is simple and should take less than five minutes. Just enter the title, author list, journal name, etc., as well as the text of your paper's abstract (cut and paste it into the field).

You will then be e-mailed the required text for your acknowledgements section, including the SCEC Contribution Number. This may take 2-3 days, but generally occurs the same day.

If you experience problems or have any questions about the process, please e-mail scecinfo@usc.edu.

Thank you,

John Marquis
Southern California Earthquake Center


Recently published works in the SCEC Publications Database include:

Erickson, B., B. Birnir, and D. Lavallee, A Model for Aperiodicity in Earthquakes, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15 (1), 1-12, 2008.

Li, Yong-Gang and Peter E. Malin, San Andreas Fault Damage at SAFOD Observatory with Fault-Guided Waves, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L08304, 2008.

Sleep, N. H. and S. Ma, Production of Brief Extreme Ground Acceleration Pulses by Nonlinear Mechanisms in the Shallow Subsurface, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9, Q03008, 2008.

Tanimoto, T. and L. Rivera, The ZH Ratio Method for Long-Period Seismic Data: Sensitivity Kernels and Observational Techniques, Geophysical Journal International, 172 (1), 187-198, 2008.

Yuan, F. and V. Prakash, Slip Weakening in Rocks and Analog Materials at Co-Seismic Slip Rates, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier, 56 (2), 542-560, 2008.