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Codes for Calculating Fault Zone Waves

Date: 04/08/2008

Forwarded announcement of a newly available resource from Yehuda Ben-Zion, USC:

The website below has f90 codes that calculate synthetic scalar (P or S) waveforms in a structure with vertical fault zone layers. The waveforms include body waves and fault zone head and trapped waves.

(1) Program "hs3m.f90" corresponds to eq.(2.10) of Ben-Zion, Y. and K. Aki, Seismic radiation from an SH line source in a laterally heterogeneous planar fault zone, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 80, 971-994, 1990.

(2) Program "hs4m.f90" corresponds to eq.(1) of Ben-Zion, Y., Properties of seismic fault zone waves and their utility for imaging low velocity structures, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 12567-12585, 1998.

The website also has two README files and two example sets of input parameters.

You can download the files from:


Best, Yehuda
Yehuda Ben-Zion, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern CA
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 USA. Phone 1-213-740-6734, Fax 1-213-740-8801