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Special session on low-latency data, 2008 AGU Joint Assembly

Date: 02/21/2008

Dear colleagues,

We would like to highlight the following special session at the 2008 AGU Joint Assembly, 27-30 May 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The abstract deadline is 5 March 2008, and you can find more information at the meeting web site,


or by contacting either of us.

Sincerely yours,

Greg Anderson and Mike Jackson

Faster: Collection, distribution and applications of low-latency data in Earth science

Session G04

Rapid access to data from a variety of geophysical instruments is increasingly important for a wide range of scientific applications, including regional seismic networks and rapid hazard assessments, tsunami and volcano warning, and space and atmospheric physics. Reliable collection and distribution of data with low latency is a significant challenge for today's networks, especially those operating in harsh environments and with limited funding. Fortunately, the growth in consumer and business demand for low-cost Internet access in even remote areas) and other similar advances have made it easier to provide the needed data. We intend this session to bring together network and data managers, technologists, and researchers with an interest in low-latency data, and we particularly welcome those presentations that define scientific needs or new solutions that can foster further growth in this exciting area.


Dr. Greg Anderson
Senior Scientist
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH-Hoenggerberg, HPP P.5
8093 Zurich
Tel: +41 044 633 24 80
FAX: +41 044 633 10 65
E-mail: greg.anderson@sed.ethz.ch

Dr. Mike Jackson
Director, Plate Boundary Observatory
6350 Nautilus Dr.
Boulder, CO 80301
Tel: 303 381 7554
FAX: 303 381 7552
E-mail: jackson@unavco.org