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SCEC Workshop on Dynamic Faulting Parameters (March 11, 2008)

Date: 02/14/2008

SCEC Workshop on Dynamic Faulting Parameters:<br />
What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go?<br />
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March 11, 2008<br />
Kellogg West Conference Center, Pomona, California<br />
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Dynamic faulting models are useful tools for investigating the physics of earthquake rupture and slip and in ground motion estimation. However, little consensus exists as to which parameters (e.g. heterogeneous fault stress, rate-and-state friction, severe fault weakening, fluid pressurization, off-fault damage, and plasticity) should be included in dynamic rupture models, let alone what the parameter values should be.<br />
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This workshop will bring together researchers from the dynamic earthquake modeling community and experts in field, laboratory, and other observations of faults to answer some key questions:<br />
<li>Which dynamic parameters have the strongest effects on earthquake modeling results?</li><br />
<li>What observations and laboratory experiments can be used to constrain dynamic faulting parameters? How feasible and readily available are these observations and laboratory results?</li><br />
<li>Are scenario faulting models a reasonable short-term goal for SCEC researchers? If so, is it desirable (and possible) to agree upon a tentatively reduced dynamic parameter space in order to reduce variance in scenario faulting models? What values might these consensus parameters take?</li><br />
<li>How can computational infrastructures, such as the DynaShake platform, be leveraged to compare the effects of different parameterizations and produce scenario faulting models?</li><br />
We invite all interested SCEC researchers to explore these questions concerning earthquake physics and dynamic fault modeling at a workshop held on March 11th in Pomona, California. The workshop program will consist largely of directed discussions, with keynote presentations on 1) friction experiments and theory [Nick Beeler, USGS], 2) kinematic slip inversions of recorded earthquakes [Chen Ji, UCSB], 3) field and laboratory observations of fault materials [Charlie Sammis, USC], and 4) crustal stress [TBA].<br />
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Registration Fee: $50<br />
How to Register: Download and complete the registration form at http://www.scec.org/aboutscec/calendar_detail.php?key=434<br />
Registration Deadline: March 3, 2008<br />
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Registration is now open, so reserve your spot today!<br />
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Sincerely,<br />
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David Oglesby (UCR) and the workshop organizers<br />