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2008 Workshop for Advancing Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics

Date: 02/12/2008

Dear all:

It is the season for workshop announcements, so we'd like to ask you to please consider attending the

2008 Workshop for Advancing Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics

July 9-11, 2008, at UC Davis (Davis, California)

Building on the success of the 2005 Boulder workshop, this meeting has a broadened scope and brings together the mantle convection and lithospheric dynamics (aka long-term deformation) communities.

The goal is to discuss scientific advances and, importantly, technical and scientific issues related to the quantitative modeling of the dynamic evolution of the mantle-lithosphere system.

We have an exciting program with a great cast of already confirmed speakers which you can peruse, along with logistics details, at


The meeting is geared toward grad students and senior researchers alike. We expect plenty of time for formal and informal discussions about the nitty gritty aspects of numerical modeling and high performance computing that will help empower the community to jointly push things forward.

Davis is located close to Sacramento and Oakland airports and Napa as well as Sonoma Valley. Thanks to generous funding from CIG and pending funding from NSF, we hope to be able to support the attendance of students and post-docs.

Registration will be open later this month, for now please mark your calendars. Thanks!


Your hosts

Magali I. Billen (UC Davis)
Scott King (Virginia Tech.)
Jolante van Wijk (LANL)
Thorsten Becker (USC)