Faculty Position: Appalachian State University
Date: 01/04/2008
The Geology Dept at Appstate recently acquired a new position in geophysics and would like to notify the SCEC community of this opportunity. General information about our program is available on our departmental website (http://www.geology.appstate.edu/); specific questions can be directed to the chair of the search committee (Kate Scharer- scharerkm@appstate.edu).
Geophysics, Appalachian State University
The Department of Geology at Appalachian State University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning August 2008. Applicants may have a focus in solid Earth/tectonics or applied geophysics. Research specialization is open but applicants are expected to teach an upper-level undergraduate geophysics course and introductory geology courses, and to include undergraduate students in their research. Candidates are also expected to take advantage of the regional geologic setting in teaching upper-level courses. The candidate must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment and must possess a strong commitment to undergraduate education and research.
Applications must include a curriculum vitae, separate statements of research and teaching goals, copies of transcripts of all college and university work (official copies due upon employment), and the names and contact information (including e-mail) of three referees familiar with the applicant’s teaching and scholarship. Send applications to:
Dr. Kate M. Scharer
Department of Geology
Appalachian State University
P.O. Box 32067
195 Rankin Science Bldg.
Boone, NC 28608-2067
Review of completed applications will begin February 15, 2008, and continue until the position is filled. Appalachian State University is an Affirmative/Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.