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Special SSA 2008 Session: Science Without Borders

Date: 12/20/2007

Forwarded message from Susan Hough and Luis Munguia Orozco:

We would like to call the SCEC community's attention to the following special session at the 2008 SSA Annual meeting in Santa Fe:

Science Without Borders

At the California/Mexico border the San Andreas fault system transitions to a complex plate boundary characterized by continued transform motion along the Cerro Prieto fault as well as spreading in the Gulf of California. The international border complicates efforts to investigate earthquakes and faults, and quantify seismic hazard, in this highly active and complex region. We welcome contributions focused on improved characterization of faults, earthquakes, and seismic hazard along the US-Mexico border. We also welcome discussion of outstanding scientific questions and challenges that have not been addressed adequately due to logistical issues.


Susan Hough
US Geological Survey, Pasadena CA
hough [at] usgs.gov

Luis Munguia Orozco
CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico
lmunguia [at] cicese.mx