Release of CSEP Testing Center Software
Date: 10/12/2007
To SCEC community,
The CSEP (Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability) special project of SCEC announces the release of the CSEP Testing Center software version 1.0. This Testing Center software contains all necessary programs to run probabilistic grid-based earthquake forecast tests as defined during the RELM (Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models) special project. A first center (W. M. Keck Testing Center at SCEC) is operational and currently covers two 1-day forecast models (STEP and ETAS) as well as 19 5-year RELM models.
The Testing Center software consists of a dispatcher unit, which carries out scheduled tests, earthquake catalog processing codes, and earthquake forecast evaluation codes. Testing runs cover generation of model forecasts, download of earthquake catalog data, pre-processing of catalog data, conducting N-, L-, R-Tests (comparing observations with forecasts), storing and reporting the results. A distribution system is operational for displaying the results ( The operational part of the software system is ready to be shipped to other Testing Center efforts. Testing Centers at ETH Zurich and GNS Wellington will soon be using the CSEP 1.0 software and the RELM models will eventually be tested at ETH Zurich. A system and software design review meeting is scheduled for November 19th, 2007 at USC (Please let us know if you are interested in participating).
We plan to make updates to the SCEC testing center on a quarterly schedule; these updates will include enhancements to the CSEP infrastructure and the introduction of new forecast models. The next update, scheduled to be completed by January 1, 2008, will include:
- Improvements to L-, N-, and R- test implementations
- Replacing legacy MatLab codes with equivalent open source codes
- Increased robustness of the operational system to system and software failures
- Integration of new one-day forecast models
For more information and results of ongoing tests, please visit our website
Danijel Schorlemmer for the CSEP Working Group