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Postdoctoral positions at SIO/UCSD

Date: 12/01/2006

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography (http://scripps.ucsd.edu/) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, California, invites applications for several Institution-wide Post-Graduate Researcher (Postdoctoral Scholar) positions in all major areas of research conducted at Scripps, including physical, chemical and biological oceanography, marine geology, geochemistry and geophysics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine biomedicine and ocean engineering. Specific areas of research might include, but are not limited to, global climate change, atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimate, large-scale ocean circulation, coastal oceanography and mixing, air/sea interactions, marine biodiversity, marine microbiology, marine genomics, earthquakes, geomagnetism, geodynamics and planetary physics. A list of Principal Investigators at Scripps may be found at http://scripps.ucsd.edu/research/researchers.cfm.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. or should expect to complete their degree requirements by March, 2007. Current and former Scripps Post-Graduate Researchers are not eligible for these awards. Awards are competitive with a major emphasis on potential for independent, creative research. The positions are for one year, with renewal for a second year by mutual agreement, and include a minimum annual salary of $45,000, based on the University of California pay scale, plus benefits. Review of applications will begin on January 3, 2007. Applicants should fill out an online application form and upload a CV, a one-page summary of the doctoral thesis, and a statement of research interests (three page maximum) including potential PIs of interest at https://www.sio.ucsd.edu/sec/apply/. Applicants should also have two confidential letters of reference e-mailed to Marcelle Hawkins at mjhawkins@ucsd.edu.

Written correspondence can be sent to:
Chair, Scripps Institutional Postdoctoral Awards Committee
c/o Marcelle Hawkins
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MC0208
La Jolla, CA 92093-0208

UCSD is an equal opportunity employer, with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through diversity.