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Faculty Positions in Science and Engineering, Arizona State University

Date: 11/22/2006

Faculty Positions in Science and Engineering
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University

In July 2006, Arizona State University launched the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) as part of a university-wide initiative in transdisciplinary research and education. SESE faculty are explicitly organizing their research efforts around "grand challenges" in the earth and space sciences, such as:

* Understanding the origin of life, the nature of biological evolution, and the distribution of life in the universe;

* Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, and planetary systems;

* Understanding the chemical, physical, and biological process interactions that define the evolution of Earth and similar planets;

* Understanding the co-evolution of Earth and human societies; and

* Designing and implementing optimal strategies for the human and robotic exploration of space.

Success in these endeavors will demand the effective integration of disciplines such as astronomy, astrophysics, biogeochemistry, evolutionary and organismic biology, climate science, geochemistry, geology, geophysics, oceanography, and public policy. Importantly, meeting these challenges requires a fusion of science with "collaborative engineering", which we define for our purposes simply as the integration of design and informatics theories from many branches of engineering to facilitate scientific exploration and research on Earth and beyond.

Over the next four years, the School will be hiring a large number of faculty in order to build its capacity for such transdisciplinary research and education. We are now accepting applications from creative researchers and inspired educators as part of the first phase in this process. In all cases, doctoral degrees and an enthusiasm for collaborative research are minimum qualifications for these positions. Opportunities are available for joint appointments with other academic units within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Fulton School of Engineering. The exact number of hires that will be made during this academic year will depend on administrative discussions currently underway at ASU, and on the quality of the applicant pool. Appointments can be made at any level, from tenure-track Assistant to tenured Full Professor, depending on the experience and qualifications of successful candidates. Cluster hires to build new areas of strength are likely. While we will entertain all applications from candidates in four broad areas -- Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Engineering for Exploration -- we note some of our most immediate needs below.

Astronomy and Astrophysics: We seek applicants motivated by observational and theoretical studies of the evolution of the universe. Special consideration will be given to applicants who focus their research on the life cycles of stars, the history of solar systems, and the characteristics of extrasolar planets. ASU astronomy and astrophysics faculty currently have access to the Large Binocular Telescope, MMT, Magellan, Bok 2.2m, and other Steward Observatory telescopes, through the Steward Observatory TAC process.

Atmosphere and Hydrosphere Sciences: We seek applicants with research interests in the origin and development of the fluid envelopes of Earth and other planets. Special consideration will be given to applicants who focus on the co-evolution of the atmosphere and/or hydrosphere with orogenic systems, on the role of water in planetary surface processes, and on the roles of atmospheric, hydrologic, physical oceanographic, or chemical oceanographic processes on ecosystem evolution.

Biogeosciences: We seek applicants who study biological processes in the context of planetary evolution. Specialties of interest include the application of molecular microbial ecology, microbial energy transfer, and molecular biomarkers to studies of active ecosystems and the geologic record.

Engineering for Exploration: We seek applicants who enjoy working on challenging engineering problems relating to scientific research and the exploration. Examples include the design of: sensors and sensor networks for monitoring ecosystem processes; novel astronomical or remote sensing instrumentation; scientific experiments for space deployment; robotic devices for exploring of extreme environments on Earth and in space; and autonomous vehicles for scientific research in the oceans, atmosphere, or space. Candidates with degrees in astronautics, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, and robotics are especially urged to apply. In addition, we are looking for computer science/informatics faculty with research interests in the design and implementation of creative approaches to the management and visualization of large and diverse scientific datasets.

Solid Earth and Planetary Sciences: We seek applicants who wish to engage in collaborative, multidisciplinary studies of planets, particularly Earth. We are building faculty teams to focus on two broad research themes. Studies of planetary interiors would benefit from new faculty perspectives in mineral physics, high-temperature geochemistry/petrology, geodynamics, seismology, and volcanology. Studies of crustal and surface processes would engage new faculty with specialties in cosmogenic radionuclide dating, geodesy, high-temperature geochronology, modern and ancient sedimentary processes, remote sensing, and soil science.

Applications should include: 1) a cover letter that includes a description of how your future research and teaching will contribute to the overall goals of the new School; 2) a current CV; and 3) the names of three references. Consideration of applications will commence on 1 December 2006, but applications will continue to be considered into the spring until all Phase I hiring decisions are complete. Start dates can be as early as Summer 2007.

Inquiries and applications should be addressed to Kip Hodges, Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration, and submitted electronically to sesenewfac@asu.edu. Submissions in pdf format are preferred.

ASU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce.