CNRS Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years): Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Laboratoire de Géologie
Date: 10/02/2006
The Laboratory of Geology of ENS Paris invites applications for a 2 years Postdoctoral position supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
One of the research pole of the Laboratory is the monitoring and the interpretation of transient motion at the surface of the Earth, of anthropic or tectonic origin. Transient motions characterize the lithospheric response to surface or plate motion loading, and their modelling can help constraining the rheology of the lithosphere or the mechanical processes during the seismic cycle. Ground motion monitoring requires the use of complementary methods, including seismology, GPS and SAR interferometry (InSAR). The techniques of radar and optical data processing, as well as the airborne or satellites platforms of acquisition, are in constant development. In the next years, the potential of both InSAR and optical images correlation in measuring ground deformation should significantly increase. Researchers at the Geology Lab. are currently working at the improvement of InSAR processing methods to better quantify the spatio-temporal evolution of ground motions on the order of a few millimeters. Specific methodological developments and an adaptation to the new systems of acquisition are needed to improve measurement accuracy, beyond the current limitations of the technics, related to high topography, vegetation coverage or strong atmospheric artefacts. The successful candidate will participate in such developments. Its research will rely on the exploitation of long time-series of interferograms on one or two research field areas of the Laboratory.
The candidate will have a PhD degree. He will have research interests in geophysics and deformation processes of the lithosphere and/or in radar and optical data processing.
The appointment is for two years with an annual gross salary of ~26K euros. Interested candidates should submit a letter or email stating their research interests, CV and potential referees names to:
Cécile Lasserre ( and Marie-Pierre Doin (,
ENS, Laboratoire de Géologie,
24, rue Lhomond,
75231 Paris,
The deadline for application is November 15th, 2006, for a post-doc starting before the end of 2006.
This announcement and more information can be found at the CNRS web site :