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Denali Earthquake Papers in EERI Earthquake Spectra

Date: 12/06/2004

Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake Papers in Recent Earthquake Spectra

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute would like to inform you that
the August 2004 issue of the quarterly journal Earthquake Spectra contains a
183-page section with nine papers on the moment magnitude Mw=7.9 Denali
fault, Alaska, earthquake of November 3, 2002. The nine papers cover
geology, seismicity, tectonics, strong-motion measurement and estimation,
geotechnical observations, and performance of buildings and industrial

This earthquake was a major event for earth scientists and geotechnical
engineers. The Denali fault earthquake was the largest strike-slip
earthquake in North America in almost 150 years, rupturing a 340-km section
along the Susitna Glacier, Denali, and Totschunda faults in central Alaska,
causing widespread landsliding and liquefaction. The earthquake provided an
important set of strong-motion data at distances up to 280 km. In addition,
it ruptured beneath the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, in the first real test
of a structure designed to allow fault offset. The pipeline, which
transports about a million barrels of oil per day, endured the shaking and
offset of the design event.

EERI's Learning from Earthquakes (LFE) Program, with funding from the
National Science Foundation, supported the publication of this set of
articles. The LFE Program, which has received NSF support continuously for
more than 30 years, encourages the widespread dissemination of lessons from
earthquakes around the world.

The entire August 2004 issue of Earthquake Spectra is 492 pages. Its price
is $35.00 plus shipping and sales tax for California residents. To place an
order online, visit http://www.eeri.org/cds_publications/catalog/. This publication
is listed under "New Products." This web site page also has information
about other EERI publications and special deals. Orders can also be placed
by calling 510-451-0905, or e-mailing eeri@eeri.org.