
SCEC Workshop: Coordinating Post-Earthquake Field Data Collection

Conveners: Timothy Dawson, Danielle Madugo, Alexandra Sarmiento
Dates: January 12 & 14, 2022 (online)
SCEC Award and Report: 21170

OVERVIEW: A SCEC workshop will be held online January 2022 focused on creating a framework to standardize post-earthquake response in four areas: coordination, communication, data collection methodology and data types. This framework will include curation and dissemination of ground deformation observations in ways that improve their usability for earthquake geology, simulations and other modeling activities, as well as Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analyses (PFDHA). Anyone currently working on, or interested in, post-earthquake studies is encouraged to participate, especially researchers and young investigators with expertise in earthquake geology, geophysics, modeling, and those who collect perishable data to improve engineering practice. We anticipate participants from the broad scientific community (academic, government, private sector).

The workshop will be conducted as a Zoom meeting over two, non-consecutive days (January 12 and 14, 2022). Invited talks will include lessons learned from recent earthquakes, insights from existing data compilations/databases and modeler needs, and an overview of current surface fault rupture data schemas. Discussions during breakout sessions will focus attention on data collection tools, communication and information dissemination, compilation and end-user needs, and remote-sensing support. An outcome of this workshop will be updated guidelines and recommendations for implementing and streamlining the data collection process for surface rupture displacements, with applicability towards other post-earthquake ground deformation collection efforts.

All times below are Pacific Standard Time (PST or UTC-8).

08:30 - 08:45 Introduction: Overview, Motivation, and Desired Outcomes (PDF, 1.7MB) Timothy Dawson
08:45 - 08:50

Session 1A: Where We Are – Rapid Field Response, Recent Developments in Post-Earthquake Field Data Collection 

Moderator: Danielle Madugo    Reporter: Alex Sarmiento

08:50 - 09:00 Perspectives on Earthquake Rapid Field Response: Ridgecrest and Monte Cristo Range Earthquakes (VIDEO) Rich Koehler
09:00 - 09:10 Rapid Field Response – Lessons Learned from the Ridgecrest and Monte Cristo Earthquakes Kate Scharer
09:10 - 09:20 Earthquake Response and Remote Sensing Data - The Geologic and Geodetic Perspectives (VIDEO) Chris Milliner
09:20 - 09:30 Airborne Imagery for Earthquake Response (VIDEO) Mike Oskin
09:30 - 09:50 Lessons Learned from Data Compilation Efforts from the Napa and Ridgecrest Earthquakes Carla Rosa, Chris DuRoss
09:50 - 10:00 Break  
10:00 - 10:10 What Data Modelers Use and Need from the Field – Insights from Existing Data Compilations and Databases, Part 1 (VIDEO) Alex Sarmiento
10:10 - 10:20 What Data Modelers Use and Need from the Field - Insights from Existing Data Compilations, Part 2 (VIDEO) Julian Lozos
10:20 - 10:40 Post Earthquake Reconnaissance Schema and FieldMaps Application (VIDEO) Kate Thomas, Luke Blair
10:40 - 11:00 Role of GEER in Global Earthquake Response (VIDEO) Jon Stewart
11:00 - 11:20 Group Discussion All
11:20 - 11:50 Break  
11:50 - 12:00 Session 1B: What Do We Need? Participatory Breakout Sessions

Moderator: Tim Dawson   Reporter: Danielle Madugo

Overview of guided breakout discussion sessions focusing on field teams, communication and information dissemination, compilation and end-user needs, and remote-sensing. Participants will be assigned to breakout rooms focused on:

12:00 - 13:30

Group A: Field Data Collection (Boots-on-the-Ground Perspectives)

Discussion Leaders: Austin Elliott, Paula Figueiredo, Stéphane Baize, Will Buckley, Conni Di Masi, Alessio Testa

Group B: Logistics (Coordinator Perspectives)

Discussion Leaders: Janis Hernandez, Wendy Bohon, Sinan Akciz, Mike Oskin, Elaine Young

Group C: Data Needs (End-User Perspectives)

Discussion Leaders: Christine Goulet, Chris Madugo, Alex Sarmiento

Group D: Remote-Sensing Data (Geologic and Geodetic Perspectives)

Discussion Leaders: Chris Milliner, Ian Pierce, Chelsea Scott, Israporn (Grace) Sethanant

13:30 - 14:00 Group Discussion Conveners, Moderators
14:00 Adjourn Day 1  

All times below are Pacific Standard Time (PST or UTC-8).

08:30 - 08:45 Introduction: Where Are We Going? Towards Improved Post-Earthquake Field Response and Communication (PDF, 100KB) Timothy Dawson
08:45 - 08:50

Session 2A: Lightning Talks on Improvements for Post-EQ Field Response and Communication

Moderator: Tim Dawson   Reporter: Danielle Madugo

08:50 - 08:33 iPad-based Lidar Data Collection - “iDar” (VIDEO) Ian Pierce
08:53 - 08:56 Strabospot Field Data Collection Tool (VIDEO) Ramon Arrowsmith, Mindy Zuckerman
08:56 - 08:59 California Earthquake Clearinghouse (VIDEO) Cindy Pridmore
08:59 - 09:15 Group Discussion All
09:15 - 09:18 Asset Owner Data Needs Chris Madugo
09:18 - 09:21 NEHRP Post-Earthquake Investigation Coordination Plans (VIDEO) Mike Blanpied 
09:21 - 09:24 Leveraging Social Media in Post-Earthquake Response (VIDEO) Brian Olson
09:24 - 09:40 Group Discussion All
09:40 - 10:00 Break  
10:00 - 10:05

Session 2B: Breakout Group Summaries

Moderator: Danielle Madugo   Reporter: Alex Sarmiento

Key ideas and outcomes from breakout sessions are presented by discussion leaders, which will inform guidelines for future data collection and compilation.
15 minutes are allotted for summary presentation, and 15 minutes are allotted for discussion.

10:05 - 10:35 Group A: Field Data Collection (Boots-on-the-Ground Perspectives) - PDF Moderators
10:35 - 11:05 Group B: Logistics (Coordinator Perspectives) - PDF Moderators
11:05 - 11:35 Group C: Data Needs (End-User Perspectives) - PDF Moderators
11:35 - 12:05 Group D: Remote-Sensing Data (Geologic and Geodetic Perspectives) - PDF Moderators
12:05 - 13:00 Group Discussion: Recommendations and Future Plans - PDF All
13:00 Workshop Adjourns  
Sinan Akciz (CSU Fullerton)
Giuliana Alessio (INGV)
José A. Álvarez-Gómez (Madrid)
Kent Anderson (IRIS)
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU)
Luciana Astiz (NSF)
Stéphane Baize (IRSN)
William Barnhart (USGS)
Nicolas Barth (UC Riverside)
Lucilla Benedetti (CEREGE)
Roger Bilham (CIRES)
Luke Blair (USGS)
Michael Blanpied (USGS)
Wendy Bohon (IRIS)
Paolo Boncio (Univ Chieti-Pescara)
Steve Bowman (Utah GS)
Dan Boyd (CGS)
William Buckley (SDSU)
Michael Bunds (Utah Valley)
Matthew Burgess (UNAVCO)
Carol Canora (UAM)
Jorge Carrascosa (Madrid)
Rui Chen (CGS)
Colin Chupik (Bureau of Reclamation)
Francesca R. Cinti (INGV)
Riccardo Civico (INGV)
Genevieve Coffey (GNS Science)
Tim Dawson (CGS)
Paolo Marco De Martini (INGV)
Conni De Masi (NBMG)
Yolanda de Pro Díaz (Madrid)
Michael DeFrisco (CGS)
Steve DeLong (USGS)
Chris DuRoss (USGS)
Austin Elliott (USGS)
Nina Engels (RWTH Aachen)
Eric Fielding (JPL/Caltech)
Paula Figueiredo (NCSU)
Theron Finley (Univ Victoria)
Michael Floyd (MIT)
Gareth Funning (UC Riverside)
Krzysztof Gaidzik (Silesia)
Elyse Gaudreau (Univ Victoria)
Yann Gavillot (MBMG)
Octavi Gómez-Novell (RISKNAT)
Christine Goulet (USC/SCEC)
Robert Graves (USGS)
Brian Gray (LCI)
Bill Hammond (UNR)
Alex Hatem (USGS)
Martha Hayden (UGS)
Suzanne Hecker (USGS)
Mark Hemphill-Haley (Humboldt State)
Maxime Henriquet (CEREGE)
Matthew Herman (CSU Bakersfield)
Janis Hernandez (CGS)
Adam Hiscock (UGS)
Sue Hough (USGS)
Shao Yi Huang (Academia Sinica)
Ken Hudnut (SCE)
Tran Huynh (USC/SCEC)
Juan M. Insua-Arévalo (Madrid)
Mohamed Islam (Algeria)
Bruce Jaffe (USGS)
Frank Jordan (SBC)
Jugurtha Kariche (USTHB/FSTGAT)
Miklos Kazmer (Eötvös)
Katherine Kendrick (USGS)
Mehrshad Ketabdar (SoCal Gas)
Emily Kleber (UGS)
Yann Klinger (CNRS)
Keith Knudsen (USGS)
Rich Koehler (NBMG)
Ozgur Kozaci (InfraTerra)
Pierre Lacan (CGEO-UNAM)
Tyler Ladinsky (CGS)
Rodrigo León-Loya (UNAM)
Julian Lozos (CSUN)
Christopher Madugo (PG&E)
Danielle Madugo (UCLA)
Ian McGregor (LCI)
Adam McKean (Utah GS)
Devin McPhillips (USGS)
Christopher Menges (USGS)
Chris Milliner (JPL/Caltech)
Sheri Molnar (Western)
Justin Moresco (ATC)
Robb Moss (Cal Poly)
Rosa Nappi (INGV)
Rosella Nave (INGV)
Edwin Nissen (Univ Victoria)
Fiia Nurminen (Univ Chieti-Pescara)
Chukwuebuka Nweke (USC)
Aisling O'Kane (Cambridge)
Brian Olson (CGS)
María Ortuño (Barcelona)
Michael Oskin (UC Davis)
Anupam Patel (SDSU)
Jason Patton (CGS)
Edric Pauk (USC/SCEC)
Sara Pena Castellnou (RWTH Aachen)
Sukran Perk (Bogazici)
Belle Philibosian (USGS)
Ian Pierce (Oxford)
Jascha Polet (Cal Poly Pomona)
Cindy Pridmore (CGS)
Stefano Pucci (INGV)
Maria Teresa Ramirez-Herrera (UNAM)
Christine Regalla (Northern Arizona)
Nadine Reitman (USGS)
Magali Riesner (Cerege/CNRS)
Kim Rockswell
Tom Rockwell (SDSU)
Alba Rodriguez Padilla (UC Davis)
Pierre Romo (Private Sector)
Carla Rosa (CGS)
Stephanie Ross (USGS)
Christie Rowe (McGill)
Ron Rubin (CGS)
Guy Salomon (Univ Victoria)
Alex Sarmiento (UCLA)
Kate Scharer (USGS)
Chelsea Scott (ASU)
Gordon Seitz (CGS)
Israporn Sethanant (Univ Victoria)
Daya Shanker (IIT Roorkee)
Robert Sickler (USGS)
Krittanon Sirorattanakul (Caltech)
Eshaan Srivastava (Indian IT Kanpur)
Jonathan Stewart (UCLA)
Aidin Tamhidi (UCLA)
Alessio Testa (Univ Chieti-Pescara)
Kate Thomas (CGS)
Stephen Thompson (LCI)
Jessica Thompson Jobe (USGS)
David Tratt (Aerospace Corp)
Charles Trexler (USGS)
Chia-Hsin Tsai (Oxford)
Sotiris Valkaniotis (Democritus Univ)
Miles Wagner (Consultant)
Beau Whitney (Whitney Geologic)
Alana Williams (ASU)
Liz Williams
Zoe Yin (SIO)
Clara Yoon (USGS)
Elaine Young (UC Davis)
Judy Zachariasen (CGS)
Qicheng Zeng (U of Utah)
Robert Zinke (JPL/Caltech)
Mindy Zuckerman (ASU)

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