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SCEC2023 Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together people from throughout the U.S. and around the world involved in earthquake-related research, education, and outreach activities. SCEC project teams present results from research and activities funded through the SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. The SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters, as well as the Center’s funding agencies and sponsors are represented. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research also participate. Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants at the SCEC annual meetings.

Registrant: Expertise:
Organization: SCEC Role   
Results 201-250 of 350
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SCECshumon's picture
Shumon Mia, Graduate Research Assistant, UIUC

Posters: 100, 134, 135

milliner's picture
Chris Milliner, Postdoctoral Scholar, Caltech

Expertise: Active tectonics, remote sensing, fault mechanics

Posters: 080

kmilner's picture
Kevin Milner, Computational Geophysicist, SCEC/USC

Expertise: Seismic Hazards, Software, OpenSHA, UCERF, NSHM, Operational Earthquake Forecasting, OEF

Posters: 162, 184, 212

emiranda's picture
Elena Miranda, Professor, CSUN

Expertise: Microstructural analysis; electron backscatter diffraction; rheology in ductile shear zones; diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM

Posters: 104

leilamizrahi's picture
Leila Mizrahi, Postdoc, ETHZ

Posters: 160

saeedmohanna's picture
Saeed Mohanna, Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA

Posters: 014, 016, 030

montesi's picture
Laurent Montesi, Professor, U. Maryland

Expertise: Geodynamics

Posters: 095, 204

mooney's picture
Walter Mooney, Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: crustal structure

Doron Morad, Postdoc, UCSC

Posters: 116

Alex Morelan, Engineering Geologist, CGS

Expertise: Tectonic Geomorphology

mmoschetti's picture
Morgan Moschetti, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: seismology, seismic hazard, earthquake ground motions, earthquake rate forecasts, ambient noise, seismic interferometry

Posters: 189, 190

robbmoss's picture
Robb Moss, Professor, Cal Poly

Expertise: geotechnical earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, and risk and reliability with respect to earthquake engineering

Plenary Talk

Posters: 213

jrmurray's picture
Jessica Murray, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: geodesy; crustal deformation modeling

Posters: 059

John Naliboff, Assistant Professor, NMT

Posters: 207

nicholson's picture
Craig Nicholson, Research Geophysicist, UCSB

Expertise: Southern California seismicity; 3D geometry of active faults; high-resolution tomography; crustal Imaging w/seismic reflection data; subsurface...

Posters: 203

synie's picture
Shiying Nie, Researching Assistant, USC

Expertise: Source physics, rupture cycle.

Posters: 187

gnoriega's picture
Gaby Noriega, Director of Experiential Learning and Career Advancement, SCEC

Expertise: Geoscience education; mentoring; emergency management; earthquake risk assessment; hazard mitigation, preparedness and response

Artemii Novoselov, Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford

Posters: 015

ebuka31's picture
Buka Nweke, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, USC

Expertise: Prof. Nweke's research focuses on addressing seismic site response in sedimentary basins using empirical and simulation approaches.

Posters: 179, 185

Pat O'Connor, Graduate Student, SJSU

Posters: 078

Margo Odlum, Assistant Professor, UCSD

Posters: 081

oglesby's picture
David Oglesby, Professor of Geophysics, UC Riverside

Expertise: Earthquake Physics

Posters: 091, 103, 108, 137

Kristina Okamoto, Graduate Student, UCSC

Posters: 132

kbolsen's picture
Kim Olsen, Professor, SDSU

Expertise: Strong ground motion estimation 3D finite differences modeling Earthquake dynamics non-linear soil response site amplification visualization

Posters: 004, 167, 168, 169, 175, 212

bolson's picture
Brian Olson, Senior Engineering Geologist, CGS

Expertise: seismic hazards, engineering geology, science communication, post-earthquake response

Gustavo Ortega, Professor, Trade Tech

Expertise: Engineering Geology

oskin's picture
Mike Oskin, Professor, UC Davis

Expertise: Active Tectonics and Geomorphology

Posters: 068, 072, 096, 123, 164

Ryan Owings, Graduate Student Researcher, UCSB

Posters: 070

sozawa's picture
So Ozawa, Postdoc, Stanford

Posters: 119, 135

Alan Pace, Geologist, Petra

Expertise: Geology

pagem's picture
Morgan Page, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: Statistical Seismology

Posters: 157, 158, 160, 161

graceparker's picture
Grace Parker, Research Geophysicist, USGS

Expertise: Earthquake ground motions, seismic site response, seismic hazard, engineering seismology

Posters: 186, 190

anupam2372's picture
Anupam Patel, Student, SDSU

Expertise: Earthquake Seismology

Posters: 175

jpatton's picture
Jay patton, Engineering Geologist, CGS

Expertise: Paleoseismology (submarine and terrestrial), paleotsunami, subduction zones, paleogeodesy, geodesy, sea level rise, geochronology (age modeling),...

pauk's picture
Edric Pauk, Software Engineer / Web Developer, USC/SCEC

Expertise: web development technology, software, automation, user interface design, unix/linux-based operating systems

Posters: 195, 197, 205

Megan Perry, Graduate Student, UMD

Posters: 095

ppersaud's picture
Patricia Persaud, Associate Professor, U of Arizona

Expertise: Seismology, Tectonics, Stress Field

Plenary Talk

Posters: 199

mpetersen's picture
Mark Petersen, Chief of National Seismic Hazard Map Project/USGS NIW coordinator, USGS

Expertise: Seismic Hazards

Posters: 201

georgepharris's picture
George Pharris, Graduate Student, NMT

Expertise: earthquake modeling, active tectonics, science communication

Posters: 207

belle's picture
Belle Philibosian, Research Geologist, USGS

Expertise: active tectonics, paleoseismology

Posters: 069

ipierce's picture
Ian Pierce, Geologist, Reclamation

Posters: 073, 084, 087

camilopinillaramos's picture
Camilo Ignacio Pinilla Ramos, Postdoc, LBNL

Posters: 006

apitarka's picture
Arben Pitarka, Seismologist, LLNL

Expertise: Wave propagation modeling, Earthquake rupture modeling, Strong motion seismology

Posters: 006

plesch's picture
Andreas Plesch, Senior Research Scientist, Harvard U.

Expertise: structural geology, 3d restoration

Posters: 197

PowellJoseph's picture
Joe Powell, Student, ASU

Posters: 079

vbprush's picture
V Prush, Assistant Professor, NMT

Expertise: Geology, Geodesy, Surveying

Posters: 207

kevinreath's picture
Kevin Reath, Earth Surface and Interior Deputy Program Scientist, HASA HQ
jrekoske's picture
John Rekoske, Graduate Student, UCSD

Posters: 173

Simón Reyes, Postdoc, CICESE

Posters: 088, 089

rockwell's picture
Tom Rockwell, Professor, SDSU

Expertise: Paleoseismology, neotectonics

Posters: 076, 097, 108

Results 201-250 of 350
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The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.