SCEC2023 Meeting Participants
The SCEC Annual Meeting brings together people from throughout the U.S. and around the world involved in earthquake-related research, education, and outreach activities. SCEC project teams present results from research and activities funded through the SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. The SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters, as well as the Center’s funding agencies and sponsors are represented. Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research also participate. Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants at the SCEC annual meetings.
Hiroko Kitajima, Associate Professor, Texas A&M
Expertise: tectonophysics, structural geology Posters: 112 |
Trey Knudson, Graduate Student, Stanford
Posters: 031 |
Rich Koehler, Associate Professor, UNR, NBMG
Expertise: My work is focused on earthquake geology, Quaternary geology, paleoseismology, geomorphology, and engineering geology. I have experience evaluating... |
Monica Kohler, Research Professor, Caltech
Expertise: Seismology and Earthquake Engineering. Experimental and Numerical. Posters: 007 |
Fola Kolawole, Assistant Professor, Columbia U.
Expertise: Structural Geology, Geophysics, Geomechanics, Crustal Deformation, Continental Rifting, Induced seismicity Posters: 199 |
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Julia Krogh, Graduate student, UCSC
Posters: 128 |
Kayla Kroll, Research Scientist, LLNL
Expertise: Induced seismicity, fault interaction, earthquake processes (nucleation, stress transfer, triggering, forecasting), numerical earthquake simulation, ... Posters: 210 |
Fabian Kutschera, PhD candidate, UC San Diego
Posters: 041 |
Kyle Withers, Research Geophysicist, USGS
Posters: 105 |
Christos Kyriakopoulos, Assistant Professor, CERI
Expertise: Numerical modeling of the earthquake cycle |
Tyler Ladinsky, Engineering Geologist, CGS
Expertise: Engineering Geology, Quaternary Geology, and Paleoseismology Posters: 078 |
Jeremy Lancaster, Associate State Geologist, CGS
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Nadia Lapusta, Professor, Caltech
Expertise: Earthquake modeling, earthquake source processes |
Jaeseok Lee, Research Assistant, Brown
Posters: 115 |
Guoliang Li, Research Assistant, USC
Posters: 039 |
Yong-Gang Li, Research Professor, USC
Expertise: Thoery, modeling and observation of fault zone seismidc waves. Earthquake fault zone structure and physical property, crustal anisotropy observation... |
Zhengze Li, phd student, USC
Posters: 111 |
Fan-Chi Lin, Associate Professor, U of Utah
Expertise: Ambient noise tomography, surface wave tomography Posters: 008 |
Jiun-Ting "Tim" Lin, Postdoc Researcher, LLNL
Posters: 009 |
Mingqi Liu, Postdoc, USC
Expertise: Brittle-ductile damage, geodynamics, and seismic cycles. Posters: 124 |
Max T. Liu, Undergraduate student researcher, UCLA
Phoebe Long (she/her), Office Coordinator at SCEC HQ, USC/SCEC
Julian Lozos, Associate Professor, CSUN
Expertise: Rupture dynamics, fault geometry, ground motion, finite element method, fault friction |
Nicolas Luco, Research Civil Engineer, USGS
Expertise: Seismic Risk Analysis, Ground Motions for Engineering Analysis/Design |
Eloy Luna, Engineer Geologist Associate IV, LAFD
Expertise: Environmental Geology |
Bingxu Luo, Ph.D., UT Dallas
Karen Luttrell, Associate Professor, LSU
Expertise: crustal deformation observations, numerical modeling of crustal stress, and faulting dynamics Posters: 205 |
Betsy Madden, Assistant Professor, SJSU
Nicholas Madera, Student, CSUN
Posters: 120 |
Savvas Marcou, PhD Student, BSL
Expertise: Earthquake early warning, smartphone seismology, earthquake ground motions Posters: 021 |
Adam Margolis, Graduate Student, UC Riverside
Posters: 137 |
Neill Marshall, PhD researcher, Oxford Uni
Scott Marshall, Professor, App State U.
Expertise: 3D Mechanical Modeling, Fracture & Fault Mechanics, Geodesy |
Kathryn Materna, Postdoctoral Fellow, USGS
Glen Mattioli, Vice President of Geodetic Instrumentation, EarthScope
Expertise: Geophysics, geodesy, tectonics, volcanology |
Ian McBrearty, Graduate Student, Stanford
Posters: 013 |
Aron Meltzner (he/him), Assistant Professor, EOS / NTU
Expertise: Paleoseismology, Neotectonics Posters: 108 |
Lingsen Meng, Associate Professor, UCLA
Xiaofeng Meng, Research Staff, SCEC
Expertise: Seismology, Ground Motions, Data Science Posters: 172 |
The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.