Meeting Abstracts
SCEC Annual Meeting participants are invited to share recent results and activities relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives during the poster sessions. The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience.
Use the search form to view abstracts of presentations that have been accepted for this meeting.
SCEC ID | Category | Title and Authors | SCEC Award |
Group A Poster 119 |
Quantifying the probability of rupture arrest at restraining and releasing bends using earthquake sequence simulations
So Ozawa, Ryosuke Ando, Eric Dunham Fault bends are known to act as barriers to rupture propagation in many earthquakes. A recent compilation of the surface rupture traces of paleo earthquakes quantifies the probability of rupture termination as a function of the bend angle. To... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group A Poster 157 |
Testing Rate-and-State Predictions of Aftershock Decay
Morgan Page, Nicholas van der Elst We analyze aftershocks of the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest mainshock to test predictions made by the rate-and-state friction model of Dieterich (1994). Rate-and-state friction predicts that the seismicity rate after a stress step follows Omori decay, where... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Operational Earthquake Forecasting |
Group B Poster 186 |
GM |
An Empirical Green’s Function Type Approach for Isolating Directivity Effects in Ground Motion Residuals: Examples from the 2022 Alum Rock and 2004 Parkfield Earthquakes
Grace Parker, Annemarie Baltay, Evan Hirakawa We present a novel technique for partitioning ground motion model (GMM) residuals that mitigates tradeoffs between spatially varying source, path, and site effects, using the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield and 2022 M5.1 Alum Rock earthquakes as examples. These... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group A Poster 175 |
GM |
3D ground motion simulations for the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
Anupam Patel, Kim Olsen, Te-Yang Yeh, Susana Custodio This study focuses on simulating a significant hazard scenario for Portugal: a potential recurrence of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, renowned for its destructive impact on Lisbon and other coastal areas in SW Portugal. Various offshore tectonic... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation |
Group A Poster 095 |
Brittle-ductile Transition Depth in the Mojave Desert Region, Southern California
Megan Perry, Laurent Montesi, Suerken Matsuyama, Kali Allison In active continental plate boundaries, earthquakes typically occur only at depths shallower than 12 to 15 km. The maximum depth of seismicity may be related to a critical temperature or a transition from brittle to ductile behavior. In the Mojave... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models |
Talk Tue0800 |
Scaling-up Community Earth Models: A Hybrid Approach
Patricia Persaud, Rasheed Ajala, Chiara Nardoni, Alan Juarez Community Velocity Models (CVMs) for different regions in California exist at different scales and levels of complexity. These models are used in various studies that lead to improved seismic hazard assessment. Extending the CVMs outside their... more Themes: Community Models | Ground Motion Simulation | Velocity and Rheology of Basin Sediments |
Group A Poster 207 |
New computational workflows to examine the role of 3D fault architecture on long-term slip rates and off-fault deformation: A case study from the Eastern California Shear Zone
George Pharris, John Naliboff, Veronica Prush, Timo Heister, Menno Fraters, Frederick LaCombe Lithospheric deformation is accommodated through a combination of localized deformation along faults and distributed as off-fault deformation (OFD). The spatiotemporal partitioning of deformation in fault zones is a function of a wide range of... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models | Beyond Elasticity |
Group A Poster 069 |
Geology |
Improved Mapping of Active Faults Near Recent California Earthquakes: Napa Valley and Ridgecrest Region
Belle Philibosian, Jessica Thompson Jobe, Colin Chupik, Kiara Broudy Several recent significant earthquakes in California occurred along relatively slow-slipping faults that had been little-studied prior to those events. These faults likely have earthquake recurrence intervals in the thousands of years and are thus... more Themes: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group B Poster 084 |
Geology |
Surface Rupturing Earthquakes of the Greater Caucasus Frontal Thrusts, Azerbaijan
Ian Pierce, Neill Marshall, Richard Walker, Sabina Kazimova, Gregory De Pascale Here we present the results of the first paleoseismic study of the Kura fold-thrust belt in Azerbaijan based on field mapping, fault trenching, and Quaternary dating. Quaternary convergence at rates of ~10 mm/yr between the Arabian and Eurasian... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Beyond Far-Field Approximations |
Group B Poster 006 |
Seismology |
Performance evaluation of the USGS Velocity model for the San Francisco Bay Area
Camilo Ignacio Pinilla Ramos, Arben Pitarka, David McCallen, Rie Nakata The exponential growth of the processing power in the last decades pushed the development physics-based seismological simulations, allowing to solve the wave equation at higher frequencies and softer materials. The primary sources of epistemic... more Themes: Community Models | Ground Motion Simulation |
Group A Poster 197 |
The Community Fault Model v6.0 and progress towards a statewide fault model
Andreas Plesch, Scott Marshall, John Shaw, Mei-Hui Su, Philip Maechling, Tran Huynh, Edric Pauk Version 6 of the SCEC Community Fault Model (CFM 6.0) was officially released in May of 2023. CFM 6.0 was developed based on results of an in-depth and thorough community evaluation process involving approximately 30 SCEC investigators that resulted... more Themes: Community Models | Data-Intensive Computing |
Group A Poster 079 |
Geology |
Fault Trace Mapping of the Central San Andreas Fault from Lidar-derived Topography
Joseph Powell, Chelsea Scott, Ramon Arrowsmith, Stephen DeLong We created a fault trace and surficial geologic map of the creeping section of the Central San Andreas Fault from San Juan Bautista to Parkfield, California. This mapping has been completed at a 1:10,000 scale to refine existing mapping efforts... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time |
Group B Poster 174 |
GM |
A Bayesian approach for developing ground motion spatial correlation models
Renmin Pretell, Tristan Buckreis, Scott Brandenberg, Jonathan Stewart Ground motion spatial correlation plays a crucial role in the assessment of seismic risk for distributed infrastructure, the development of ground motion models, and the validation of computer simulations and simplified engineering tools. The... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation |
Group A Poster 173 |
GM |
Instant physics-based ground motion time series using reduced-order modeling of 3D wave propagation simulations
John Rekoske, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Dave May Physics-based ground motion estimates obtained by numerical simulation of wave propagation are increasingly being considered for seismic hazard assessment. However, simulations are computationally expensive, especially when considering ensembles of... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation |
Group A Poster 089 |
Observations of the Calipatria Deformation Zone from seismic reflection profiles
Carlos Reyes Martínez, Young Ho Aladro, Mario Gonzalez Escobar We presented a cartography of the Calipatria Deformation Zone (CDZ), situated in the Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico, derived from 2D seismic reflection profiles. We utilized eight seismic profiles located within the Mexicali Valley. These... more Themes: Community Models |
Group A Poster 123 |
Rupture Re-nucleation across Step-overs Requires High Coulomb Stress Change
Alba Rodriguez Padilla, Michael Oskin Rupture propagation across step-overs wider than a few kilometers has never been observed during historical earthquakes. We map step-overs from a new compilation of 31 surface ruptures from strike-slip earthquakes and regional fault maps and measure... more Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group A Poster 023 |
Seismology |
Induced seismicity in Southeastern New Mexico
Justin Rubinstein, Jeongung Woo Since 2015, the Permian Basin in southeastern New Mexico and western Texas has experienced a surge in seismicity that is continuing to rise. In 2022 the rate of M3+ earthquakes in the Permian was higher than in California. Most of the seismicity... more Themes: Induced Seismicity |
Group B Poster 060 |
Geodesy |
Estimates of Seismic Moment Accumulation Rate from Geodesy
David Sandwell, Katherine Guns, Xiaohua Xu, Yehuda Bock, Bridget Smith-Konter Measuring the accumulation of seismic moment on locked faults is a key element of assessing seismic hazard. There are two basic approaches to estimating moment accumulation from geodesy; fault-based modeling and regional strain rate-based estimation... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time |
Group A Poster 065 |
Geodesy |
InSAR-derived Vertical Land Motion over southern California: A Scalable Approach leveraging the growing, open-source ARIA-S1-GUNW archive
Simran Sangha, Marin Govorcin, Gareth Funning, David Bekaert We use state-of-the-art open-source methods to produce standard InSAR science products freely distributed through a NASA Data Active Archive Center at the Alaska Space Facility. Specifically, we generate the Advanced Rapid Image Analysis (ARIA)... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing |
22059, 23109, 21035
Group A Poster 017 |
Seismology |
Incorporating intensity distance attenuation into PLUM ground-motion-based earthquake early warning in the United States: The APPLES configuration
Jessie Saunders, Elizabeth Cochran, Julian Bunn, Annemarie Baltay, Sarah Minson, Colin O'Rourke We develop a new configuration for the United States West Coast version of the Propagation of Local Undamped Motion (PLUM) earthquake early warning (EEW) algorithm that incorporates attenuation into its ground-motion prediction procedures; we call... more Themes: Earthquake Early Warning |
Group B Poster 182 |
GM |
3D modeling of near-field ground motions and deformation in dynamic rupture simulations of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake including fault zone and fault roughness effects
Nico Schliwa, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Yehuda Ben-Zion We present large-scale modeling of near-field ground motion parameters and deformation in dynamic rupture simulations of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake. We include an observationally constrained shallow low-velocity fault zone and band-... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Beyond Far-Field Approximations | Ground Motion Simulation |
22135, 23121, 22162
Group A Poster 161 |
Visual Communication of Aftershock Forecasts Driven by User Needs
Max Schneider, Anne Wein, Nicholas van der Elst, Sara McBride, Julia Becker, Raul Castro, Manuel Diaz, Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, Jeanne Hardebeck, Andrew Michael, Luis Mixco, Morgan Page, Jocelyn Palomo The U.S. Geological Survey releases aftershock forecasts following large (M5+) earthquakes in the U.S. and associated territories. Forecasts show the expected number (and range) of aftershocks in a specified area for various magnitude thresholds and... more Themes: Operational Earthquake Forecasting | Public Education and Preparedness |
Group A Poster 067 |
Geology |
Data processing and quality for applications to active faulting in California with QUAKES-I Stereo-imagery
Madeline Schwarz, Ryan Applegate, Robert Zinke, Ramon Arrowsmith, Andrea Donnellan, Curtis Padgett, Steve DeLong, Morena Hammer The Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems Imager (QUAKES-I) is an airborne optical stereo-imaging system. The system is an eight-camera array mounted on a Gulfstream V aircraft and enables rapid, large-scale production of high-... more Themes: Data-Intensive Computing | Post-Earthquake Rapid Response |
Group B Poster 072 |
Geology |
Evaluating How Well Active Fault Mapping Predicts Earthquake Surface Rupture Locations
Chelsea Scott, Rachel Adam, Ramon Arrowsmith, Christopher Madugo, Brian Gray, Rich Koehler, Stephen Thompson, Alexandra Sarmiento, Timothy Dawson, Albert Kottke, Elaine Young, Ozgur Kozaci, Michael Oskin, Reed Burgette, Ashley Streig, Gordon Seitz, Curtis Baden, Malinda Zuckerman In surface-rupturing earthquakes, fault displacement can damage infrastructure that crosses or overlies fault zones. The uncertainty in earthquake surface rupture location is key in fault displacement hazard analysis and informs hazard and risk... more Themes: Risk to Distributed Infrastructure |
Group A Poster 083 |
Geology |
A Revised Slip Rate Estimate for the Mission Creek Strand of the Southern San Andreas Fault at Thousand Palms Oasis based on Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Constraints
Gordon Seitz 3D trenching at Thousand Palms Oasis had previously yielded a 5-event record and an anomalously low slip rate of 4 mm/yr (Fumal, Rymer and Seitz, 2002). This paleoseismic site exposed a sequence of nested sub parallel channels that are oriented at a... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates |
Group B Poster 094 |
A multi-scale magnetotelluric (MT) investigation of the Salton Trough
Pieter-Ewald Share, Steven Constable, Jared Peacock, Samer Naif All three plate tectonic margin types are embedded in the Salton Trough lithosphere. The southern San Andreas fault system (SSAF, transform) and associated localized incipient rifting (divergent) are abutted to the west by the Peninsular Ranges, a... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models |
Group B Poster 184 |
GM |
Deterministic ground motions from an earthquake simulator consistent with NGA-West2 ground motion models
Bruce Shaw, Kevin Milner, Scott Callaghan, Christine Goulet, Fabio Silva We use the deterministic earthquake simulator RSQSim to generate complex sequences of ruptures on fault systems used for hazard assessment. We show that the source motions combined with a wave-propagation code create surface ground motions that fall... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Ground Motion Simulation | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group B Poster 028 |
Seismology |
The 2022 M 6.4 Ferndale, California Earthquake Sequence: A Piece of the Puzzle at the Mendocino Triple Junction
David Shelly, Dara Goldberg, Robert Skoumal, Jeanne Hardebeck, Kathryn Materna, Clara Yoon, William Yeck, Paul Earle Seismicity near the Mendocino Triple Junction is highly active, yet enigmatic, accommodating complex relative motion among the Pacific, North America, and Gorda Plates. The December 20, 2022, Mw 6.4 Ferndale earthquake occurred within this zone,... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes |
Group B Poster 176 |
GM |
BroadBand Ground Motion Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Neural Operator with Learnable Filtering Effect
Yaozhong Shi, Grigorios Lavrentiadis, Domniki Asimaki, Zachary Ross, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli We develop a data-driven framework for 3-component ground motion synthesis with the ability of learning filtering effect of the ground motion. Leveraging the increase of ground-motion data from seismic networks and recent advancements in Machine... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation |
Group B Poster 026 |
Seismology |
S-wave reflector and crustal fluid deep beneath seismically active area in the north Ibaraki area, northeastern Japan
Takahiro Shiina, Yuta Amezawa, Takahiko Uchide, Haruo Horikawa, Kazutoshi Imanishi Crustal fluid is discussed as a key factor facilitating the activity of crustal earthquakes. The distribution of the crustal fluid is investigated based on a seismic velocity structure deduced from tomographic analysis and/or an electric resistivity... more Themes: Induced Seismicity |
Group A Poster 171 |
GM |
The SCEC GMSV Toolkit: Open-Source Tools for Ground Motion Simulation Processing and Validation
Fabio Silva, Christine Goulet, Philip Maechling, Yehuda Ben-Zion The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) software Toolkit aims to provide standardized and verified tools to a broad seismological and engineering community of researchers interested in ground... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation |
Group B Poster 020 |
Seismology |
ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Testing Platform
Deborah Smith, Jeff McGuire, Julian Bunn The West Coast ShakeAlert Earthquake Early warning system has been in operation since October 17, 2019 and has been successfully generating real-time earthquake messages. As the system has been in operation there has been concurrent effort to... more Themes: Earthquake Early Warning |
Group A Poster 133 |
Off-fault damage accumulation and evolution in distributed fault systems near Ridgecrest, CA
Zachary Smith, Roland Bürgmann, William Grifith, Mengsu Hu, Michael Manga Fault zones consist of numerous subsidiary faults surrounding large displacement faults. Individual subsidiary faults are often enveloped by damage zones on the scale of centimeters to meters making large fault zones heterogeneous. As space geodetic... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Beyond Elasticity | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes |
Group B Poster 178 |
GM |
Region-scale, 3-D wave propagation simulations of M6.5+ earthquakes on the southern Whidbey Island fault, WA, considering surface topography and a soil velocity profile
Ian Stone, Erin Wirth, Alex Grant, Arthur Frankel The southern Whidbey Island fault (SWIF) is a large crustal fault in Washington State capable of producing large (M6.5-7.2) earthquakes. Despite its proximity to the Seattle, Everett, and Bellevue metropolitan regions, past simulations of... more Themes: Ground Motion Simulation | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group B Poster 194 |
Crustal architecture across Southern California and its implications on San Andreas Fault development
Siyuan Sui, Weisen Shen, Jeonghyeop Kim, William Holt Located on the boundary of the Pacific and North American Plates, Southern California is seismically and tectonically active. The present-day configuration of the San Andreas Fault is a result of the long-term tectonic activities with modulation of... more Themes: Community Models |
20171, 21177
Group A Poster 037 |
Seismology |
Phase Neural Operator for Multi-Station Picking of Seismic Arrivals
Hongyu Sun, Zachary Ross, Weiqiang Zhu, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli Seismic phase picking is the task of annotating seismograms with seismic wave arrival times and underpins earthquake monitoring operations globally. State-of-the-art approaches for phase picking use deep neural networks to annotate seismograms at... more Themes: Post-Earthquake Rapid Response |
Group A Poster 141 |
Boomerang Earthquakes and Rapid Tremor Reversals: Exploring the Role of Fault Roughness on the Back Propagation of Earthquakes and Slow Slip Events
Yudong Sun, Camilla Cattania Seismic and geodetic observations reveal that earthquakes and slow slip events (SSEs) can sometimes propagate backward through areas that ruptured previously. This "boomerang" phenomenon has been reported in at least three events: the 2010... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes |
Group B Poster 050 |
Seismology |
Shake to the beat: Exploring the seismic signals of concerts and music fans
Gabrielle Tepp, Igor Stubailo Recently, SwiftQuakes recorded in Seattle, WA, have gone viral – these are seismic signals generated during a Taylor Swift concert with ~70,000 fans in attendance. A few weeks after her Seattle concert, Swift performed 6 concerts in one week (2023... more |
Group B Poster 074 |
Geology |
Multiple rupture pathways and slip partitioning through the Long Beach restraining bend system of the Newport-Inglewood fault, Los Angeles, CA
Natasha Toghramadjian, John Shaw We present a new, 3-D representation of the Long Beach restraining bend system along the Newport-Inglewood fault (NIF), Los Angeles, California. The NIF is an active strike-slip system that cuts over 60 kilometers through densely populated... more Themes: Special Fault Study Areas: Focus on Earthquake Gates |
Group A Poster 087 |
Geology |
Paleoseismology of the Kokonadyr-Tegerek Adyr Thrust Fault, Kyrgyzstan, and Implications for Seismic Hazard in the South Issyk-Kul Region
Alex Travers, Richard Walker, Ian Pierce, Neill Marshall, Rich Koehler The Kyrgyz Tien Shan is a region of active intra-continental deformation characterized by multiple parallel thrust fault belts. Evidence for paleoearthquake ruptures are well preserved in the landscape, providing a unique environment to compare... more |
Group A Poster 045 |
Seismology |
A remarkable sequence in a remote location: A detailed characterization of the 2014-2018 Sheldon, Nevada earthquake swarm
Daniel Trugman, William Savran, Christine Ruhl, Ken Smith In July of 2014, a prolific earthquake swarm initiated within the Sheldon Wildlife Refuge in the remote northwest corner of Nevada, a region of low background seismicity rate. Over the next three years, the sequence produced 26 M4 earthquakes and... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Data-Intensive Computing | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes |
Group B Poster 196 |
InSAR Community Geodetic Model Version 2: Moving beyond Ridgecrest
Ekaterina Tymofyeyeva, Michael Floyd, Kang Wang, Katherine Guns, Kathryn Materna, Zhen Liu, Gareth Funning, Eric Fielding, David Sandwell, David Bekaert, Simran Sangha, Marin Govorcin, Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega, Xiaohua Xu The Community Geodetic Model (CGM) Working Group has been focused on investigating methods for the generation of geodetic (GNSS and InSAR) time series and velocities over Southern California, creating a set of self-consistent and well documented... more Themes: Community Models |
Group B Poster 158 |
A-positive: How to get unbiased rates out of real earthquake catalogs without knowing the magnitude of completeness
Nicholas van der Elst, Morgan Page Earthquake rate and magnitude distribution are the fundamental quantities of statistical seismology. Long term rate models inform our hazard and building codes, and short-term models provide situational awareness during aftershock sequences. The... more Themes: Operational Earthquake Forecasting |
Group A Poster 033 |
Seismology |
Estimating earthquake source parameters from S-wave maximum amplitudes: Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
Ian Vandevert, Peter Shearer, Wenyuan Fan Earthquakes rupture in complex ways, radiating a wide spectrum of seismic energy. The rupture complexities are reflected in earthquake stress drops. Spectral decomposition is a popular approach to resolve earthquake stress drops, in which the source... more Themes: Modeling Earthquake Source Processes |
Group B Poster 064 |
Geodesy |
Joint Inversion of GNSS and InSAR Data for Continuous 3-D Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Southern California
Mradula Vashishtha, Jeonghyeop Kim, William Holt GNSS and InSAR complement each other to provide more information on the spatial gradients of crustal motions. GNSS stations hold precision for the three components of crustal velocities but are spatially limited, while InSAR data provide a more... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Community Models | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group A Poster 153 |
Bayesian Assimilation of Deterministic Multicycle Earthquake Simulations into Probabilistic Rupture Forecasts
Luis Vazquez, Thomas Jordan We develop methods for assimilating the information from deterministic multi-cycle earthquake simulators into probabilistic rupture forecasts. We utilize long earthquake catalogs generated by the multi-cycle Rate-State Quake Simulator (RSQSim) of... more Themes: Community Models | Modeling Earthquake Source Processes | Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis |
Group B Poster 140 |
The effect of thermal stress on injection-induced seismicity
Victor Vescu, Kyungjae Im, Jean-Philippe Avouac A better understanding of the mechanisms driving injection-induced seismicity requires an accurate model of the stress changes resulting from the injection. We, therefore, consider how deep fluid injection changes the state of subsurface stress in... more Themes: Stress and Deformation Over Time | Induced Seismicity |
Talk Mon1500 |
Looking to fault-rupture experiments for inspiration
Robert Viesca Relatively small-scale laboratory experiments have proven to be fertile grounds for ideas to interpret seismological and geodetic observations made in the field. In some instances, lab experiments provide the principal observation of phenomena that... more Themes: Beyond Elasticity |
Group A Poster 025 |
Seismology |
Time-Varying Background Rates of Swarms and Aftershock Sequences in the San Jacinto Fault Zone in Southern California
Valeria Villa, Zachary Ross The region along and off the San Jacinto Fault Zone is a prolific area of seismic activity. Between 2012 and 2022, there were around five magnitude 4 earthquakes and numerous earthquake swarms. Several swarms are assumed to have an aseismic driving... more Themes: Induced Seismicity |
Group B Poster 086 |
Geology |
Miles Wagner, Frank Jordan Jr. Fault mapping through the San Bernardino Mountains (SBM) has been conducted as part of a Masters thesis in progress as CSUSB. Mapping of primarily high-angle strike-slip faults using review of mosaicked aerial imagery available on the Google Earth... more |
The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.