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Meeting Participants

The SCEC Annual Meeting has become a premier gathering of earthquake scientists in the United States and from around the world, bringing together one of the largest collaborations in all of geoscience. Attendees are comprised of people from various organizations (including profit, non-profit, domestic, and foreign) involved in SCEC-related research, education, and outreach activities.

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Adam Wade, Graduate Student, Arizona State University
David Wald, Seismologist, United States Geological Survey
Robert Walker, Graduate Student, University of Southern California
Christian Walls, Southwest Regional Engineer, PBO, Plate Boundary Observatory, UNAVCO
Maureen L Walton, Research Geologist, United States Geological Survey
DANNING WANG, senior engineer, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD
Jiong Wang, Graduate Student, UC Santa Barbara
Kaiwen Wang, Student, Stanford
Kang Wang, Graduate Student, SIO / UC San Diego
Nan Wang, student, SDSU/UCSD
Wei Wang, Research Assistant, SIO / UC San Diego
Yongfei Wang, Graduate Researcher, SDSU/UCSD
Lauren Ward, Student, University of Hawaii
Heather Webb, Instructional Support Technician, San Diego State University
Luke Weidman, Staff Geologist, Geocon
Debbie Weiser, Customer Success Engineer, One Concern
Max Werner, Senior Lecturer in Natural Hazards and Risks, University of Bristol
Steven Wesnousky, Professor, University of Nevada, Reno
Elizabeth White, Student, San Diego State University
Malcolm White, PhD Student, University of Southern California
Alana Williams, Graduate Student, Arizona State University
Ethan Williams, Graduate student, Caltech
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Professional Geologist, Confractus Inc
Chris Wills, Supervising Geologist, California Geological Survey
John Wilson, PhD Candidate, UC Davis
Erin Wirth, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Washington
Kyle Withers, Research Geophysicist, United States Geological Survey
Franklin Wolfe, Graduate Student, Harvard University
Kathryn E Wooddell, Engineering Seismologist, Pacific Gas & Electric
Baoning Wu, Graduate Student, UC Riverside
Julia Wurster, SCEC Office Assistant, SCEC / USC
Yuqing Xie, PhD Student, UCLA
Xiaohua Xu, Graduate Student, SIO / IGPP / UC San Diego
Lian Xue, Postdoc, UC Berkeley
Tomoko Elizabeth Yano, Researcher, NIED, Japan
Dongdong Yao, Graduate Student, Georgia Tech
Lingling Ye, Post Doctoral Scholar, Caltech
Te-Yang Yeh, Graduate student, San Diego State University
Jianhang Yin, Student (Graduate), University of Oklahoma
Ryan Yohler, Research Assistant, University of Missouri
Alan Yong, Research Geophysicist, United States Geological Survey
Clara Yoon, Graduate Student, Stanford
Nana Yoshimitsu, Postdoctoral Research fellow, Stanford
Karen Young, Special Projects Manager, USC
Zachary Young, Graduate Student, University of Nevada, Reno
Chunquan Yu, Postdoctoral Scholar, Caltech
Ellen Yu, SCSN/SCEDC Products Manager, Caltech
Doug Yule, Professor, Cal State Northridge
Sang-Ho Yun, Geophysicist, NASA - JPL
Ilya Zaliapin, Professor, University of Nevada, Reno

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.