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Meeting Abstracts

The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.


A SCEC username is required to submit an abstract.

The person submitting the abstract is automatically the First Author, and will receive all communications regarding the abstract.

First Authors can submit a maximum of one poster presentation abstract and one oral presentation abstract (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Abstracts should not exceed 2,500 characters in length.

Every poster will be on display from Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.

Poster dimensions cannot exceed 45 inches high x 45 inches wide.

You may upload a PDF of your poster at any time, even after the submission deadline.

Results 301-305 of 305
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
SDOT Stress patterns analysis about the seismic focal zone of the great Tohoku-Oki earthquake (M=9.0) in the Japan Trench subduction zone
Yongqing Zhang, Jiajia Yang, Furen Xie
The great Tohoku-Oki earthquake (M=9.0) which occurred on 11 March, 2011 and ruptured the plate boundary between the subducting Pacific plate and the overlying continental plate was the best scientifically recorded earthquake in Japan so far. Focal... more

EFP Annual Earthquake Potential Consultation: A Real Forward Prediction Test in China
Yongxian Zhang, Zhongliang Wu, Xiaotao Zhang, Gang Li
We briefly reviewed the annual consultation on the likelihood of earthquakes in continental China since 1970s. The frames of the Summary Research Report on the National Key Earthquake Potential Areas in 2013 and 2014 were taken as two case studies.... more

Poster 242
EEII Demonstration of the efficacy of the BBP ground motions for nonlinear structural analysis and collapse assessment
Kuanshi Zhong, Wen-Yi Yan, Ting Lin, Gregory Deierlein
This work presents an update on the comparative study between recorded (NGA-West) and simulated ground motions (SCEC Broadband Platform, BBP) to evaluate the feasibility of using the latter as a seismic input in engineering applications (i.e.,... more
CSEP Clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016
Jiancang Zhuang, Yicun Guo, Maura Murru, Giuseppe Falcone, Elisa Tinti
Compiled by Istituto Nazional Geofisca e Vulcanologia, Italy, the ISIDE catalog includes high quality records of the occurrence times, locations, magnitude and other information of earthquakes that occurred in the Italy region since 2005-4-16. To... more

Geology Quantifying 3D deformation in the 14 November MW 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake using a novel technique for correlation of optical satellite imagery
Robert Zinke, James Hollingsworth, James Dolan, Russ Van Dissen
The 14 November 2016 MW 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake produced up to ~12 m of lateral surface displacement, and up to ~8 m of vertical surface displacement. We use a novel version of COSI-Corr optical image correlation software to capture... more

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.