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Meeting Abstracts

The SCEC collaboration emphasizes the connections between information gathering by sensor networks, fieldwork, and laboratory experiments; knowledge formulation through physics-based, system-level modeling; improved understanding of seismic hazard; and actions to reduce earthquake risk and promote resilience. Use the form below to search and view all poster and invited talk abstracts submitted to this meeting.


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First Authors can submit a maximum of one poster presentation abstract and one oral presentation abstract (if invited as a plenary speaker).

Abstracts should not exceed 2,500 characters in length.

Every poster will be on display from Sunday evening through Tuesday evening.

Poster dimensions cannot exceed 45 inches high x 45 inches wide.

You may upload a PDF of your poster at any time, even after the submission deadline.

Results 51-100 of 305
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SCEC ID Category Title and Authors SCEC Award
CS SEISM-IO: A High Level Parallel I/O Library for High-Performance Seismic Applications
Yifeng Cui, Dawei Mu, Daniel Roten
SEISM-IO is a high-level parallel I/O library developed with a goal to simplify the programming of parallel I/O for seismic applications at scale. This library has added the sub-library feature and has been optimized for performance and programming... more
Geology Co- and post-seismic debris flows triggered by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
Maxwell Dahlquist, Josh West, Julie Martinez
Debris flows are a primary driver of erosion and a major geologic hazard in many steep landscapes, particularly near the headwaters of rivers, and are generated in large numbers by extreme events. The 2015 M w 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake triggered ~25,... more

GM How Much Concentrated Earthquake Damage is due to Site Effects Versus Basin Edge Focusing?
Paul Davis
One of the goals of constructing earthquake hazard maps is to predict the shaking in advance of an earthquake, so that regions where damage will concentrate can be identified beforehand, and be given priority for minimizing hazard such as... more
Geodesy Towards an Understanding of the Geometry of the Hilton Creek Fault System Within the Long Valley Caldera, Using Ground-Based Magnetics and High-Resolution Topographic Profiles
Jason De Cristofaro, Jascha Polet
The eastern escarpment of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains is defined by a series of high-relief down-to-the-East normal faults including the Owens Valley, Round Valley, Hilton Creek and Hartley Springs faults. These faults separate the Sierra... more

GM Seismic noise based ground motion: strong shaking predicted in Tokyo for the next M7+ earthquake on the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line.
Marine Denolle, Pierre Boué, Gregory Beroza, Naoshi Hirata
The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) is a major oblique left-lateral crustal fault able to host M7+ earthquake and that is at a mature stage of its cycle. Its proximity to the Kanto sedimentary basin poses a threat to metropolitan Tokyo. This... more
15036, 16246
Geodesy USGS Global Positioning System (GPS) Network in Southern California
Daniel Determan, Aris Aspiotes, Christian Guillemot, John Langbein, Mark Murray, Marcos Alvarez, Keith Stark
The USGS Pasadena office operates 141 permanent, continuously-operating GPS monitoring stations as part of the Southern California GPS Network (SCGN). The SCGN network has grown and modernized over the years with the help of American Recovery and... more

Geodesy Northwest Propagation of Postseismic Deformation in the Yuha Desert from the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor – Cucapah Earthquake
Andrea Donnellan, Jay Parker, Robert Granat, Michael Heflin, John Rundle, Lisa Grant Ludwig, Marlon Pierce, Jun Wang
The 2010 M7.2 El Mayor – Cucapah (EMC) ruptured from Baja California to the US Mexican border, triggering slip on a network of faults, primarily in the northeast lobe of coseismic deformation. Postseismic slip continued to occur on a network of... more

CEO 2017 UseIT: Communications Work Group
Olivia Dorencz, Robert Hernandez, Amelia Midgley, Resherle Verna, Kevin Qualls, Kevin Rolón-Domena, Rafael Cervantes, Alyssa Oda, Jason Ballmann, Thomas Jordan, Jozi Pearson, Gabriela Noriega
Representatives from each of the project teams in the 2017 Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (USEIT) internship cohort came together to create the Communications Work Group (CWG). The aim of CWG is to communicate earthquake... more

SDOT Mechanical Models of Fault Slip Rates in the Imperial Valley, CA
Jacob Dorsett, Scott Marshall, Elizabeth Madden, Michele Cooke
The Imperial Valley, located in southern California and northern Mexico, is composed of a seismically active network of dominantly strike-slip faults, which together act to accommodate the majority of Pacific-North American plate motion. While many... more

Poster 118
Geology Evidence of Na- and Mg-rich Hydrothermal Brines Driving Chloritization and Albitization in an Active Fault Zone: Case Study of the Borrego Fault, Baja CA, Mexico
Matthew Dorsey, Thomas Rockwell, Gary Girty, Giles Ostermeijer, Thomas Mitchell, John Fletcher
We collected a continuous sample of the fault core and 23 samples of the fault zone out to 52 m across the rupture trace of the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake to characterize the physical damage and chemical transformations associated with... more

Seismology Large-N array observations of injection-induced seismicity in northern Oklahoma: the LASSO experiment
Sara Dougherty, Elizabeth Cochran, Rebecca Harrington
In response to the recent increase in seismicity rate in Oklahoma, we deployed a temporary array of more than 1,800 vertical-component nodal seismometers. The LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO) array covered a 25-km-by-32-km region with a... more

FARM Dynamic Models of Earthquake Rupture along branch faults of the Eastern San Gorgonio Pass Region in CA using Complex Fault Structure
Roby Douilly, David Oglesby, Michele Cooke, Jennifer Beyer
Compilation of geomorphic and paleoseismic data have illustrated that the right-lateral Coachella segment of the southern San Andreas Fault is past its average recurrence time period. On its western edge, this fault segment is split into two... more

FARM Towards dynamic rupture models with high resolution fault zone physics
Ahmed Elbanna, Xiao Ma, Setare Hajaroalsvadi
Earthquake processes span a wide range of length and time scales with the fault zone dynamics holding the key to resolving many outstanding seismological observations. The details of strength evolution in fault zones are dictated by the poro-thermo-... more
15088, 16143
SDOT Measurements of Tilt from Triangular Bench Mark Arrays Installed Within Long Valley Caldera in the 1980s
Kaitlan Elizondo, Jascha Polet
Ground tilt and broad deformation within Long Valley Caldera, east central California, has been consistently observed due to magmatic movement beneath the surface. In the early 1980’s, USGS scientists and Arthur G. Sylvester from UCSB, established a... more

FARM A Test Case for the Source Inversion Validation: The 2014 ML 5.5 Orkney, South Africa Earthquake
William Ellsworth, Margaret Boettcher, Hiroshi Ogasawara
The ML5.5 earthquake of August 5, 2014 occurred on a near-vertical strike slip fault below abandoned and active gold mines near Orkney, South Africa. A dense network of surface and in-mine seismometers recorded the earthquake and its aftershock... more
FARM Earthquake Cycles With Complex Fault Geometries
Brittany Erickson, Jeremy Kozdon
The overall goal of this project is to develop an understanding of the earthquake cycle that takes into account the interaction of remote tectonic loading and near-fault structure. To do this we are developing a model that uses a quasi-static... more

Tue 13:30
Geodesy Strategies for building community-based geodetic models of fault slip rates
Eileen Evans
Developing a comprehensive model of tectonic continental deformation requires assessing 1) fault slip rates, 2) off-fault deformation rates, and 3) realistic uncertainties. Fault slip rates can be estimated by modeling fault systems based on space... more

Poster 196
FARM Earthquake Petrology: Insights into Fault Slip Localization and Fault Heating via Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping and X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy
James Evans, Krishna Borhara, Samuel Webb
Theoretical and laboratory analyses propose a range of dynamic weakening mechanisms to explain fault slip behavior, especially on extremely thin slip surfaces. We use a synchrotron light source to use microscale X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) analytical... more
Seismology Implementing rapid, probabilistic association of earthquakes with source faults in the CFM for southern California
Walker Evans, Andreas Plesch, Won Lee, Natesh Pillai, John Shaw, Men-Andrin Meier, Egill Hauksson
We present a statistical method to identify the fault (or sets of candidate faults) that generated an earthquake using information provided soon after these events occur. This effort bridges the information provided by increasingly sophisticated... more
Poster 229
CXM Objective Tectonic Regionalization of CVM-S4.26 Using the k-means Clustering Algorithm
William Eymold, Thomas Jordan
The SCEC Community Velocity Model CVM-S4.26 is a representation of the P and S velocities, α and β, as a function of geographic position x and depth z on a 500-m mesh over a 496 km x 768 km area of Southern California. The model was derived by full... more

Geology Detecting small offshore earthquakes with Back-Projection Imaging and Match-filter Method
Tian Feng, Lingsen Meng
The detection of offshore seismicity in shallow portion of the subduction zones is ineffective due to the large distance from landward instruments. To better understand the offshore seismicity and slow slip around recent megathrust earthquakes, we... more

Geology Exploring new seismic hazard scenarios in central Italy: hints about a previously unknown active normal fault highlighted by the Norcia 2016 (Mw 6.5) seismic sequence
Federica Ferrarini, Giusy Lavecchia, Rita de Nardis, Ramon Arrowsmith, Francesco Brozzetti, Daniele Cirillo
In 2016, one of the most energetic normal fault earthquake sequences, since the beginning of the last century, struck the central Italy. The seismic crisis started on August 24 with a Mw 6.0 event followed, in the months after, by several moderately... more

WGCEP An Overview of the 3rd Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3)
Edward Field, Other WGCEP Participants
Previous fault-based earthquake forecast models have generally assumed segmentation, excluded multi-fault ruptures, and ignored spatiotemporal clustering (aftershocks and otherwise triggered earthquakes), each of which has been brought into question... more

Geology Do low-angle normal faults produce large earthquakes? A case study of the Cañada David Detachment of northern Baja California, Mexico
John Fletcher, Jaziel Cambron, Thomas Rockwell, Keene Karlsson, Paula Figueiredo, Ronald Spelz, Pierre Lachan, Ivan Peña Villa, Alejandro Leon Loya, Alejandro Hinojosa, Sambit Prasanajit Naik , Lewis Owen
The Cañada David detachment (CDD) controls the southern half of the Laguna Salada rift basin in northern Baja California and is a world-class example of an active low-angle normal fault (LANF). LANFs form one of the most poorly understood and... more

GM A data-driven V_s,30 model for New Zealand engineering research & practice
Kevin Foster, Brendon Bradley, Liam Wotherspoon, Christopher McGann
We present a regional V_s,30 (time-averaged 30-meter depth shear wave velocity) map developed for New Zealand, closely following the methods employed in California by Thompson et al. (2014). V_s,30 is among the most widely used parameters for site... more

Poster 155
SAFS A re-examination of the subsurface fault structure in the vicinity of the 1989 Loma Prieta Mw 6.9 earthquake, central California, from analysis of steep reflections, earthquakes, and potential-field data
Gary Fuis, Edward Zhang, Rufus Catchings, Daniel Scheirer, Mark Goldman, Klaus Bauer
We reinterpret the causative structure of the 1989 Mw 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake, in central California, using reflection, earthquake, and potential-field data, prompted by recent interpretations of a two-part dip of the San Andreas fault (SAF)... more

Geodesy A Systematic Study of Earthquake Detectability Using Sentinel-1 TOPS InSAR
Gareth Funning, Astrid Garcia
We report on our efforts to study global seismicity with Sentinel-1 TOPS data between April 2015 and December 2016. We searched the USGS/NEIC earthquake catalogue to identify earthquakes with epicenters located on land masses with deformation that... more

Mon 13:30
CSEP Earthquake Forecasting in recent large events in New Zealand and the role of CSEP
Matthew Gerstenberger, David Rhoades, Annemarie Christophersen, Bill Fry, Laura Wallace, Graeme McVerry, Nick Horspool
The November 14th, 2016, Mw 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake generated significant shaking and damage throughout a large part of central New Zealand. The recovery effort has been distributed over a very large area and the dissemination of information about... more

Poster 190
FARM Laboratory geophysical observation of grain compression and crushing in synthetic fault gouges
Amin Gheibi, Ahmadreza Hedayat
Active geophysical monitoring techniques are among the most powerful techniques to identify changes in soil fabric, grain to grain contact network, compressional strength, and void ratio in granular materials. We present experimental results in... more
Seismology Natural Time and Earthquake Aftershock Entropy
Alexis Giguere
Driven threshold systems are characterized by cascading events or bursts that tend to be strongly clustered in linear (clock) time. As a result, a useful framework to analyze these events is the concept of event count, or “natural time”. For... more

CISM Conditional Probabilities of Large Earthquake Sequences in California from the Physics-based Rupture Simulator RSQSim
Jacquelyn Gilchrist, Thomas Jordan, Bruce Shaw, Kevin Milner, Keith Richards-Dinger, James Dieterich
Within the SCEC Collaboratory for Interseismic Simulation and Modeling (CISM), we are developing physics-based forecasting models for earthquake ruptures in California. We employ the 3D boundary element code RSQSim (Rate-State Earthquake Simulator... more

Geodesy Characterizing fault motion using edge detection in radar images
Margaret Glasscoe, Jay Parker, Andrea Donnellan
A moderate sized or secondary near-surface fault slip appears in a radar interferogram as a roughly linear feature with cross-section resembling either a step function or a Gaussian-filtered step, called a sigmoid. Building on past work that detects... more

SDOT What allows seismic events to grow big?: Insights from b-value and fault roughness analysis in laboratory stick-slip experiments
Thomas Goebel, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Thorsten Becker, Emily Brodsky, Georg Dresen
Estimating the expected size of the largest earthquake on a given fault is complicated, for example, by dynamic rupture interactions in addition to geometric and stress heterogeneity. However, a statistical assessment of the potential of seismic... more

SAFS Quaternary Slip History for the Agua Blanca Fault, northern Baja California, Mexico
Peter Gold, Whitney Behr, Thomas Rockwell, John Fletcher
The Agua Blanca Fault (ABF) is the primary structure accommodating San Andreas-related right-lateral slip across the Peninsular Ranges of northern Baja California. Activity on this fault influences offshore faults that parallel the Pacific coast... more
14719, 17197
SDOT Interactions Between Strike-slip Earthquakes and the Subduction Interface near the Mendocino Triple Junction
Jianhua Gong, Jeff McGuire
The interactions between the North American, Pacific, and Gorda plates at the Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ) create one of the most seismically active regions in North America. The earthquakes rupture all three plate boundaries but also include... more

Geology GPR imagery and identification of neotectonic features of the Chupamiertos Fault System, Baja California, Mexico
Allen Gontz, Thomas Rockwell, Keene Karlsson, John Fletcher, Jaziel Cambron
Recently active faults create easily identifiable geomorphic and stratigraphic signatures in unconsolidated sediments. Identification of, and mapping of these features in trenches has been the norm for measuring offset and relating activity of... more
Geodesy Red Geodesica del Noroeste de Mexico (REGNOM) in northern Baja California.
Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega, Antonio Vidal-Villegas, Elvia Ramon Morales, Armando Valdez, Sergio Arregui Ojeda
Permanent continuous GPS stations in Baja California started to operate since 1995 as part of the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN). Due to the occurrence of the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake Mw 7.2 in April 4, 2010, colleagues from... more

Poster 152
Geology Using GeoGateway Line-of-Sight (LOS) Tool to Explore Deformation along the San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain, CA
Lisa Grant Ludwig, Andrea Donnellan, Jay Parker
Crustal deformation is spatially and temporally non-uniform as strain accumulates over long time scales, is rapidly released in earthquakes, and readjusts post-seismically. Because earthquake processes occur over widely varying temporal and spatial... more

GM Ground-Motion Simulations on Rough Faults in Complex 3D Media
Robert Graves
Observations from past earthquakes show that the rupture process can exhibit significant spatial variations in rupture speed, slip and slip rate, as well as geometric complexity of the faulting surface. Incorporating these features within kinematic... more

Seismology Bayesian source mechanism inversion of induced seismicity in oil/gas fields and pico-seismicity (acoustic emission) in the laboratory
Chen Gu, German Prieto, Ulrich Mok, Youssef Marzouk, Brian Evans, Nafi Toksöz
We studied the source mechanisms of earthquakes occurred in multi-scales, from induced seismicity in oil/gas fields to pico-seismicity in the laboratory. A Bayesian source mechanism inversion method was demonstrated using data from field to... more

Geology Investigating strain transfer along the Southern San Andreas Fault: A geomorphic and geodetic study of block rotation in the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Joshua Tree National Park, CA
Katherine Guns, Richard Bennett, Kimberly Blisniuk
To better evaluate the distribution and transfer of strain and slip along the Southern San Andreas Fault (SSAF) zone in the northern Coachella valley in southern California, we integrate geological and geodetic observations to test whether strain is... more
Poster 307
CEO Newspaper Media Content Analysis: Community Effects of Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma
Georgia Halkia, Lisa Grant Ludwig
Since 2010, seismicity in Oklahoma has increased dramatically. In 2014, Oklahoma experienced more earthquakes of M3 or greater than California, a state known as Earthquake Country. In 2015 there were >907 earthquakes M>3, providing motivation... more

FARM Time Reversal Imaging of the 2014 Iquique Tsunami Source
Jiayuan Han, Lingsen Meng
The 2014 Mw 8.2 Iquique earthquake occurred off the coast of northern Chile, generating a tsunami with a maximum runup height of 1.75 meters. The slip distributions are highly variable depending on the choice of the dataset and inversion methods.... more

Seismology Are the Stress Drops of Small Earthquakes Good Predictors of the Stress Drops of Larger Earthquakes?
Jeanne Hardebeck
Uncertainty in PSHA could be reduced through better estimates of stress drop for possible future large earthquakes. Studies of small earthquakes find spatial variability in stress drop; if large earthquakes have similar spatial patterns, their... more

FARM Large Earthquakes and Creeping Faults
Ruth Harris
Most shallow continental crustal faults remain predominantly locked during the long periods of time between large earthquakes, however some slowly slip, or creep. The related microseismicity helps reveal faults that might not otherwise be observed... more

Seismology Analysis of Two Magnitude ~4 Earthquakes and Aftershocks Near Truckee, California, 2017
Rachel Hatch, Ken Smith, Rachel Abercrombie
On June 27th, 2017, two magnitude ~4 high-angle strike-slip faulting earthquakes occurred seven minutes apart approximately 20 km north of Truckee, CA. Both events were felt over a wide area in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada. The... more

SDOT A model for the initiation, evolution and continued activity of the Garlock fault, California
Alexandra Hatem, James Dolan
The Garlock fault remains an enigmatic feature of southern California due to its arcuate geometry, variable slip rate along its length, and tectonic role as an ~east-west trending sinistral fault within the Pacific-North American plate boundary zone... more

CXM Can the Depth Distribution of Seismicity be Applied to Probe the Rheology of the Seismogenic Crust in Southern California?
Egill Hauksson, Men-Andrin Meier, Zachary Ross
We carry out joint analysis of waveform relocated seismicity (1981-2016), geophysical, and geological datasets to probe the rheology of the crust in southern California. First, we calculate earthquake depth histograms (EDH) to quantify the depth... more
Tue 11:05
SAFS Applying Paleo-earthquake Data to Query for Earthquake Gate Areas
Egill Hauksson, Men-Andrin Meier
Over geological time, plate motion and associated tectonic processes have created the geophysical conditions under which the San Andreas Fault (SAF) operates. These conditions influence earthquake processes on both short and long time scales... more
Seismology The seismological aftermath of the 2016 Mw7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake
Stephen Hernandez
On 16 April 2016, a strong underthrusting earthquake ruptured a ~100 by ~50 km segment of the Nazca-South American margin off the coast of the province of Manabí, Ecuador. Effects of the earthquake included >660 fatalities, a small tsunami,... more

The Southern California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.